They are the most evil, hateful, nasty insurance company I have ever had the displeasure of working with. My company made the mistake of going to DEVIL health care many years back, but quickly switched back to IHC the next year. And, like a dog to it's vomit has returned to DEVIL AGAIN!!! They are a wolf in sheep's clothing. The devil. The Antichrist. Did I mention they were evil?
That's E-Vill. As in the Froo-Its of the Dev-Ill. EEEEE-Vill.
We are thinking of branching out on our own and seeking health care elsewhere. If any of have any bright ideas, we would love to hear about them.
I'm full of opinion! Here's my take - We went without insurance while we had Grant. I was so scared but then when we got insurance again we discovered how things had drastically changed. 4 years ago companies offered insurance packages that paid for mostly everything, Our first baby cost me 275.00. Our Second baby (without insurance) cost me 7,000.00. Our third child with insurance cost us 4,000.00. But with that insurance, we also have our deductable and for the year was 2,700.00 so the third child with insurance ended up costing us 6,700.00 - barely less than having no insurance at all.
Now, what about emergency? Well, we thought that it would be a good safety net since when we took Marit to the ER without insurance it cost us 350.00 for them to tell us that she didn't need anything and that she would be fine in a week or 2. This Year Doug had a trip to the emergency room so I was glad to have had insurance, it cost us 250.00 for his stitches.
Our out of pocket maximum is 5,000.00. With having a baby and a trip to the ER, we are still 300.00 short of our 5,000.00 - but mind you, we have paid 12 months of premium - 2,760.00. So infact, we paid less in a year without insurance for a birth and ER than we did this year with insurance for the same proceedures!
What about dental and vision? No on ewants to be cought without insurance when it comes to a tooth ache, but just to get your teeth cleaned is expensive - about 150.00. So, for us to pay 50.00 oer month and 50% of our bill . . .without an emergency and just routine well visits it's sixes.
You have to know that in many cases you are better putting your premium amount in the savings and paying cash at the hospital and doctor. MOST, if not all places offer a 30% discount if you don't have insurance and then they offer you a greater discount if you tell them you are paying cash at the end of the visit. People should not be affraid to ask for it. It's the way it works.
One of our friends works at a hospital and he says it is standard practice for doctors to bill the insurance companies 3x the amount of the proceedure.
I feel beter not having insurance when I know that with insurance, my doctor is squeezing that company for everything he can, just to get money!
I wanted to have a Universal healthcare system like Canada, but even then, people in Canada save up cash and come to the US to have proceedures done - it works better and is more affordable.
DOctors charge what they do in the US because it is not a competetive market, and if people would do more research and go to the doctor that had the best deal for your buck, things would change.
Yeah...with premium AND deductibles, we are sitting at $7,000 per year. That's not counting vision and dental. Grrrr.
Wow, this is a hot topic for me too. I had a few procedures done by my doctor a few years ago, and when we had to change insurance companies after Jimbob sold his business, surprise! No one wanted me. No one. We finally got a company to accept me with a disclaimer that if I ever had a similar problem that I had previously had, it would not be covered. AND for the privilege of a $6,000 per year deductible, 80%/20% policy, we paid $400 per month. AND whenever we made a claim they immediately denied it, causing us stress as we appealed their decision, and they would eventually pay. I hated it SO MUCH. You can't really live without it, though. I wouldn't, at my stage of life, dare to go without and just put money away, because of the fear of big ticket problems that can happen at our age: cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, etc.
Okay, and another issue that I just became aware of: if you need a little help conceiving a child, certain drugs that are prescribed (i.e. clomid, etc) will render you uninsurable for the rest of your childbearing years if you change companies. How's that for unfair? Insurance companies only want to insure healthy people who never make a claim. They want your huge premium every month and they never want to pay out.
Another observation I will make is that after working in a physician's office for a while, I find while a physician may bill the insurance company a certain amount for a procedure, they never ever receive that amount in payment. Some insurance companies barely cover the doctor's expense for the procedure. In nearly every circumstance, in the end it's the INSURANCE COMPANIES that win.
Life Insurance is a joke. My Friend Nathan Faurschou can't ever get a life insurance policy since he is diabetic. If he dies young, his family is S.O.L.
Life Insurance is the biggest rip off - unless you are healthy and do actually die before your time!
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