[begin rant]
Do bad guys obey the law? No, that's why they're called 'bad guys'. If we pass a law that makes it illegal to bring a gun to church, is that going to stop a bad guy? Is he going to come to the church, intent on committing a crime, and suddenly stop in his tracks when he sees this?
Nope. In fact, bad guys search for places where they're going to find the most victims. The most sheep. Like schools. And churches. And libraries. And universities. That sign might as well say something like this:
Am I a bad guy? The state of Utah and the Federal Government of the United States say "No". In fact, I passed a background check and came out squeaky clean. I am, by all definitions, a good guy.
Yet according to Utah law, I cannot carry my legally obtained and licensed concealed firearm into my church building. A firearm that I have shot and practiced with for years. Again...am I bad guy? No...good guy. But what if a bad guy decides to come into my church with guns-a-blazing??? Guess we're all hosed, eh?
[end rant]
1 comment:
May I suggest thatchoo move to Dodge City or Tombstone circa 1865-75, when you couldn't get into church unless you WUZ packin heat!
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