Yesterday, they went to the library and were inside about 15 minutes when both of their bikes were stolen. We called the police and drove around looking for the punks that took them, but we have yet to locate them.
This is Blake's bike. A silver DiamondBack Viper:
This is close to Bryce's bike. It's a Mongoose KO (except his is black and gold):
They were stolen from the Bingham Creek Library and we are offering a $25 reward for each bike that is recovered. What sort of filthy animals take kids bikes? Jerkwad thieves.
There is nothing that makes me more angry than thieving kids. Brennan has had two bikes stolen over the years. It makes me so mad that I always remind Brennan of the consequences that stealing come with. There are fines, tresspassing charges, community service and of course eternal groundation!! He looks at me everytime I give him my spiel, and says, "Mom, do you really think that I am that stupid?" My reply is usually, "You may not be stupid but sometimes the friends that we choose are! So don't pick friends who do stupid things, okay!!"
Darn, that really stinks. Bikes are not cheap, I hope you find them, I'll keep a look-out.
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