I don't tell many people about this, so keep this a secret, if you can. Every year we attend the Taylorsville Dayzz celebration. They were featured this morning on Fox 13 News for their fireworks show. I am not kidding when I say that Taylorsville's 4th of July fireworks show is one of the best in the state. And I am also not kidding when I say that they treat you to NO LESS than 30 minutes of some GREAT fireworks. They begin the show with an awesome display of about a dozen cannons...yes, CANNONS, that are synchronized to the West Valley Orchestra playing the 1812 Overture. Wow. They have enormously loud speakers that blast patriotic music during the entire show as well.
And it's always free, and rarely on the 4th of July. See you tomorrow night!
Because it isn't a 4th of July celebration! It's a celebration of the anniversary of Taylorsville becomming a city! And yeh, I was going to post the same reminder - The fireworks kick my but! They rock!
I have to say that I missed them last year and I was completely bumbed out when I went somewhere else and they were just totally crappy!! I will never miss them again.
oooooh, yeah, baby, we'll be there as usual!! West Fest is on right now too, and I have a friend who raves about their fireworks. We agreed to time our fireworks to see who's are the best and the longest, and we all know who will win, right??
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