I don't think I've ever thought twice about it. It's just one of those traditions handed down to us from our fathers which we accept as the way things should be done. I've never had a problem with it, but there sure are a lot of folks out there who place it somewhere between aggravated assault and killing baby seals on their list of bad things. What am I talking about? Circumcision.
Marshall was circumcised yesterday. All of my boys have been circumcised...just like dad. In fact, I watched the first 2 boys get circumcised and the 2nd one almost caused me to pass out. It's a little...uncomfortable...to watch.
The source I turned to first for information was the internet. There is actually very little information out there on the subject. And the information that I can find is generally negative. But I will take that dearth of information and consider that the negative reactions are indeed a minority opinion.
My next source was the scriptures. In biblical times, boys were circumcised at the age of 8 days as part of an ordinance that demonstrated the removal of that which was unclean from the body. It was a covenant with the Lord. Not sure why the foreskin was considered unclean, but there you have it. But it also appears that circumcision was done away with at some point and then the Lord changes the way he speaks of circumcision. He talks more about those unrighteous who have an 'uncircumcised' heart and compares them to spiritually blind or 'stiffnecked' people. My church has no official standing on the matter, so I do not think it's wrong at all. Besides, it's not as if we can change our minds on the matter. What's done is done. And I am OK with that.
1 comment:
So - Here's a thought . . . When you are resurected and your body is restored, does that mean your fore skin too? I watched a circ. on youtube just after I got home from the hospital with Jefferson, since I had never seen one before. I'm not even a man and wanted to pass out! I can't belive I let that happen to my sons, and that I will continue to let it happen! Dr Hightower says that the only reason insurance companies pay for circs is because they are normal by poular demand, and that there is no medical pro's or cons. Its a cosmetic necessity in our culture!
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