I have been accused of hating summer. I might go a step further and jump right into I HATE SPRING AND SUMMER! Or I LOVE FALL AND WINTER!
Many people question my sanity. Nay...my very HUMANITY is doubted when I relish in cold, wintry days that leave a foot of snow on my driveway. I might have also covered some of these items in a previous post, but I don't care. It's worth recording again for posterity's sake.
1. Spring and summer equate to allergies and allergies were invented by Satan himself.
2. Summer is hot and I served my LDS mission in a place that was hotter than the place where Satan calls home.
3. I can't hunt in the summer or spring. Momma bears and momma deer and momma elk are nursing their young in the spring to get them nice and big and fat and juicy. And delicious. Just in time for the fall hunt.
Did I mention that summer was hot? I nearly died several years ago on a campout with our scouts. We were hiking to Lake Blanche on a 100+ degree day and near the top I met the Grim Reaper. He stood at my feet while other people fussed about me, shoving water and Gatorade down my throat. My entire body shook as my heart tried to pump Ragu through my veins and my hearing came and went. Mr. Reaper slowly faded away as I was nursed back to health. Summer is hot and I HATE the heat.
In elementary school I was the kid who laid on the grass at recess in December and watched the snowflakes fall slowly to the earth. It's like the world suddenly opens up for me. I can breathe better and my nose is not stuffy. The snow falling to the earth feels like a cool blanket of cozy deliciousness. If I were a superhero, I would be Mr. Freeze. You know? The guy played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in Batman & Robin? Yeah, THAT guy. When anything falls from heaven, be it rain or snow, I am happy.
1 comment:
I miss being cold. Heck, I miss being mildly chilly. Our family trip to China was awesome because I got to break out a sweatshirt or two. But, oh, to see snow again... we'll be happy to be in the white stuff next winter.
Until then, I continue to sweat what remains of my brains out.
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