Since I posted last we've had a few adventures. Here's the Top 50 latest and a few random thoughts.
1. I am enjoying my new job with unabashed glee.
2. It's a great place to work with really great people. I work for a mid-sized bank doing exactly what I did for my previous employer, but with greater responsibilities and expectations.
3. We sold our minivan and purchased something my LARGE children will fit into. When I say "large" I mean TALL, not fat.
4. It's got more leg room than just about anything out there. And believe me, I've sat in them all.
5. It fits 8 adults very comfortably.
6. We took a little family vacation.
7. And will take another one very soon.
8. We replaced our trampoline so that the kids wouldn't drive us crazy this summer.
9. My kids are driving Lisa crazy, but that will come to an end when they go back to school in a week.
10. Bryce is going to the Water Polo Junior Olympics in California.
11. We celebrated Independence Day by making an attempt to light the asphalt on fire.
12. Skunked again.
13. I still enjoy Pepsi Max.
14. Like, way.
15. I can't find Pepsi CeaseFire anywhere. Makes me mad. It's Pepsi Max with lime.
16. I am playing in a charity golf tournament in September with my boss.
17. I haven't golfed in at least 3 years.
18. Got some used left-handed clubs off Craig's List for dirt cheap.
19. One of my children is grounded today. No friends. No XBox. No nothin'.
20. I am still enjoying my calling in the ward. Longest calling ever...3 years, 4 months.
21. Bishop says I'll be in for at least another 18 months.
22. My former boss got a job after being unemployed since October 2008 (1 year, 9 months).
23. I brush my teeth at work, after lunch.
24. We sold our minivan for ca$h to a Mexican who was using it to move he and his family back to Mexico.
25. His name was David and didn't speak a lick of english.
26. I have a sprinkler valve box torn apart on the side of the house that is driving me crazy. I am secretly hoping that winter will come and I can turn off the water before I have to deal with it.
27. I do not like 95+ degree weather.
28. Blake went to scout camp this morning - Camp Steiner - the highest elevation scout camp in the nation (10,400 feet above sea level).
29. I was supposed to go with him, but the new job prevented it.
30. I took Blake fishing Saturday to teach him the basics for scout camp. I pray he catches a fish.
31. Our varsity scouts went to East Fork of the Bear in late June and got snowed on. Heavily.
32. A guy on my team (at work) resigned today. No two-week notice. Called my boss and quit on-the-spot.
33. Got experience with Veritas NetBackup?
34. I am totally convinced that nobody in Utah has a clue why we have a constant rise and fall in gasoline prices.
35. I believe it to be a HUGE conspiracy with billions of dollars involved.
36. And that's not just because I drive a gas-guzzler.
37. I am actually excited to drive 600 miles with my kids next month. In comfort.
38. I am going to Milford, Massachusetts for a week of training.
39. I will eat lots of seafood in MA. Like every meal.
40. I am installing an O/S upgrade for my BlackBerry. Holy forever, Batman!
41. I am looking forward to a date with my wife this weekend.
42. I am on call right now.
43. I shouldn't say this, but I have yet to be paged for anything in the past 6 days.
44. My boss is moving to a new office today down the hall.
45. My boss does not know about this blog, but I can honestly say he's a great boss.
46. Summer is half way over. Yay.
47. I bought Blake a fishing license last week.
48. I like Eclipse spearmint gum.
49. I saw the new Twilight movie and enjoyed it.
50. I saw The Last Airbender with my boys and loved it.
About time you updated your blog...I love to hear what's going on in the Pearson home.
ha! Loved hearing about your updated life. Maybe I'll post again sometime...
Welcome back Lance! Nice car. After driving through seven states and seeing that only one small area in all seven had the same gas price as us in Utah, I'm convinced of a conspiracy too! I've been mad and it's also because I drive a gas guzzler and proud of it. Gouging is unethical! Sounds like a fun summer! Way to go Bryce for junior olympics!
Good to know!
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