There are days that come along every month or so that seem to disrupt the normal pattern of things. They mess up children's' behavior patterns and fiddle with people's work schedules. They're supposed to be magical days. Days for celebrating and days for making memories.
They are known as......[ahem]...holidays.
Before you blast me for being a communist or a hater, hear me out.
I enjoy getting together with family....immensely. I enjoy talking with people I only see on a tri-annual basis. I enjoy the food. When I was a kid holidays were amazing. I literally lost sleep over upcoming holidays. Sleep on Christmas Eve? Yeah, right. Sleep after watching an hour-long fireworks show as we try our darnedest to light the street on fire? As if!
I think it has to do with missed expectations. Holidays seem to lose the luster they once held. Children behave badly, tempers flare, time constraints are not met. It's like we're being ORDERED to have a good time on these days and more often than not, we fail. I can't count the number of times I've either thrown out my back, broken or cut some body part on a holiday and ended up paying exorbitant fees to chiropractors and doctors.
And vacations, sometimes, have the same effect. You schedule a specific time to go and have fun and relax and sometimes it ends up being more stressful than a normal day.
Vacations and holidays should be more spontaneous. Sort of like surprise birthday parties. How would it be if you got into work and someone was waiting in your cubicle with balloons and yelled, "Surprise! Today's Valentines Day! Go home and give your wife these flowers and take her out to dinner!!!" Or "Surprise! Today is President's Day and you get the day off to relax with your family." Or "Surprise! You get to go to Disneyland for 5 days. See you next week!"
That's how holidays and vacations should be. Spontaneous. Mo betta!
Good concept...
Innerestink! And let's put the "pot" back in potluck--not the herb, mindja, but even if it's a dozen jello salads, don't give out food assignments for potluck dinners. "Gimmee ad hoc or gimmee nuthin!" She shouted. Just kiddink, Lance, and I'm not offended, going unpublished.
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