Alas, it was not to be. I knew that the second I told anybody at work that it had perished in some "freak accident", another would be shipped to me within a couple days and I'd be back where I began. Albeit with a nicer, newer, shinier, beepier CrackBerry.
When we go on family vacations or camping and I KNOW I am out of range of ANY cell tower, it gives me joy. Pure glee.
It's a drug. A drug that I hate. Beginning at 8 PM each and every night I receive 6-8 email notifications about the status of certain computer backups at work and another 6 or so during the night, which I ceremoniously delete with gusto in the morning. And those are besides all the emails from fellow employees that work in the Philippines and still think I check the thing in the middle of the night. Stupid 13 hour time difference. I took 2 weeks of vacation when Marshall was born. During that time I watched the email number rise and rise until it reached the 150's. Knowing that I didn't have to answer ANY of them was a relief. It was like the feeling you get when you slip into a warm bed after being in the cold all day.
Technology is OK. It does lots of neat things for us. But most of the time, I'd be happier without it.
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