It takes a LOT to gross me out. I mean a LOT. Blood? Nah. Show me a hacked-off appendage and I'm as calm as a summer's morning. But there are a few things that raise my hackles and get my goat. Here's a list of "grotey" things:
I can't take 'em. The hair on my neck stands right up and I feel an immediate desire to destroy them with extreme prejudice. Like they present a clear and present danger to my person. And my mission to Ecuador just made it worse. You see tarantulas on TV crawling ever so slowly and benignly up some guy's arm, yes? Well, they can actually run faster than you can. Almost. I watched a blur go across the wall on my mission and had to strain real hard to see that the blur contained a large banana spider. Whoa.
While staying in a hotel in Park City once, I was eating a bowl of cereal from the continental breakfast bar and pulled a CLUMP of gray hair out of my mouth. Not a strand of a hair....a CLUMP. I can touch hair. I can comb hair. But when it's in my food or my mouth there may be projectile vomiting.
Band Aids
I can handle band aids on me or my children. I can put them on, take them off and not be squeamish at all around the blood, pus, etc. But when I'm swimming in a pool and don't have my glasses on, that band aid looks like a plain old, non-threatening leaf that might have floated down from a lovely nearby tree. But as I dive for closer inspection and the thing is 6 inches from my face, the blurry item comes into focus and YIKES. Remember those underwater scenes in the movies where someone is swimming and they come across a dead body and you see their underwater scream and a huge billow of bubbles leaving their mouth? That's me. I literally walk on water to get out of the pool. Eeew.
What are some things that gross you out? Let's hear your stories.
I do love a summer's morning!
I agree 100% with you on these. The hair thing is just wrong - especially when it's in a big, wet clump and/or you don't know where it came from. My dad is a barber, so I've been around other people's hair my whole life. But it just isn't right.
Most of my gross-outs come from smells. I have an overly sensitive sniffer and can smell things my wife can't, like a sour wash cloth - which, to me, is like sniffing in some kind of germy death virus.
Another is the smell of rotting grass that someone has put in their trash can, or something. Vomit city for me!
Yup, spiders, hair, and bandaids are all super icky.
I also have a bionic sense of smell, and it totally grosses me out to be able to smell someone's greasy hair from several feet away. I've been able to smell the dirty hair of a waiter in a restaurant before. Blech!
I hope I don't ruin Cafe Rio for you but a few months ago when I put a forkful of pork barbecoa in my mouth, I immediately pulled it out; revealing a huge chunk of blubbery grisley fat complete with vessels of some kind....augghhhhhhh
Remember the Condie Drive house, and the spider on top of the garbage can that you didn't notice until you got it all the way out to the road? And then watching you take off your water ski of a shoes and pounding the ever living crap out of that gigantic thing? I laughed my but off!!!!
I hate spiders too. I get some that I think have been around since the dawn of time. Lee and I fight over who's turn it is to kill them.
cockroaches and head lice. need i say anymore?
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