1. I watch VERY little TV any more. Mostly because I can't stand the alarmist reports and the bias.
2. I went shooting with Bryce last week and quickly realized it's a skill that takes more practice than once per year.
3. I just got over a cold.
4. I do not fear the swine flu....yet. 36,000 people die from H1N1 influenza each year and they're making a big deal about 40 deaths?
5. I let my 1 year bloggiversary (February 29 - Leap day) pass without so much as a word.
6. Mitchell is getting baptized on Saturday.
7. I haven't watched a single episode of '24' since I finished the 6th season because NONE of the early shows from season 7 can be viewed online. GRRRRR.
8. We just bought a new fridge last week. It was more money than we've spent on anything for a LONG time. Those buggers are pricey!
9. We have replaced all the major appliances in our home in the past year.
10. We are playing dodgeball at our young men's activity tonight. I am excited.
11. #10 is practice for the stake dodgeball tournament in June. Isn't that cool?!?
12. As a family, we are on the last chapter of the Book of Mormon and will finish it by Friday. We've been reading for a loooong time. With kids, sometimes 5 verses is all they/I/we can take.
13. I have officially entered my "low sugar" season. Less (read:NO) sugar in my diet makes my allergies disappear.
14. I've noticed that everyone, not just me, is on a blogging diet. Everyone seems to have taken a spring break or something.
15. Lisa and I went to the Jordan River temple last night. We will go another 3-4 times before our new temple (Oquirrh Mountain) opens in August.
16. I enjoy being with my dad. We work well together.
17. Bryce turned 13. In one year I fully expect the aliens to come down and remove his brain for a few years. It's to be expected....what can I say.
18. I got in touch with an old friend today that I haven't seen for a year.
19. My boss, who was laid off in October still has no job. Anyone need a technically-savvy-but-not-exactly-technical boss?
20. Erik and I went shooting a couple weeks ago in the desert and saw no wildlife whatsoever. We did, however, take care of an unruly beer bottle that caused us some angst.
21. Then we ate a gross breakfast at Carl's Jr. A breakfast burger??? Bleh.
22. Lisa and I need some cheap family vacation ideas for this summer. Road trips are welcome since we just spent huge $$$$$ in getting our van fixed/maintained.
23. Pepsi Max still rocks.
24. I am looking forward to FAR fewer campouts this summer. Like 2.
25. Remember that video I posted of Marshall when he's talking in his high chair while eating? Yeah, he's still THAT cute.
26. Anyone ever buy anything at FYE? What a hole! It's like the Dollar Theater of media stores. Totally ghetto.
27. My Peeps from Easter are still sitting opened in my cube at work. The staler the better, I always say!
28. I really need to go on a date with my wife this weekend at some point.
29. My Blackberry is looking sad. Anyone know of a good lake I could "accidentally" drop it in?
30. I have to teach priesthood this Sunday and still have no topic chosen.
31. I love ice cream that has mocha flavoring in it. Yes, I know, mocha=coffee. It's artificial flavoring.
32. I am looking forward to Lisa's trip to Vegas when Susie has her baby. Susie has her baby, Lisa gets a break, and Dad's in charge. No work!!!
33. I could live somewhere where the highest temperature on record was 80 degrees. This weather rocks! Cold, warm, cold, warm.
34. I have weighed 192 pounds now for a loooooong time.
35. <----- My current age.
36. <----- August 20, 2009.
37. Besides a forum to meet and communicate with old friends, Facebook becomes less and less interesting to me each day.
38. I am excited to usher for the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house.
39. Where does the word "usher" come from?
40. Blake is a very patient boy.
41. I love Del Taco's Bacon Double Del Cheeseburger.
42. I love In-N-Out even more than Del Taco and will be supremely happy when they build one in Jordan Landing.
43. Baby's with tubes can still get ear infections.
44. Did you know the space shuttle can reach speeds of around 18,000 miles per hour? A speeding bullet only reaches 2,000 miles per hour. Whoa.
45. I'd say good riddance to Arlen Specter, but we can't afford it as a country.
46. Orrin Hatch is a tool, and we can't afford to lose him right now, but I will not vote for him again.
47. I still enjoy my job.
48. Bryce just received his Star award in Boy Scouts. He'll be an Eagle before he's 14.
49. Our grass is very green right now thanks to copious amounts of weed-n-feed and crabgrass preventer. And rain.
50. I doubt I will ever aerate my lawn again. I think it spreads bugs from one lawn to another.
51. I will never wear a bluetooth device. Folks, you look like the Borg! You have been assimilated!
52. I like to wear my black wool Chaps coat that Lisa bought me. So nice.
53. My Dockers shoes are DEFINITELY not waterproof. Not even puddle or spit proof.
54. My hunting boots could serve the navy as the USS Boot. They are THAT waterproof.
55. <---- I remember driving to Bryce Canyon with my grandparents at that speed. In the summer. Without air conditioning.
56. That trip was awesome because we slept on a covered porch in our sleeping bags and listened to the coyotes all night.
57. I am reading book 2 in the Bartimaeus Trilogy.
58. Twix Peanut Butter are delicious because the cookie is CHOCOLATE, like an Oreo.
59. I put "Plus" fuel into my Corolla yesterday for the first time ever.
60. <---- The age at which I plan to retire.
61. Last night I read a birthday letter my mom gave me 11 years ago. Touching.
Why am I stopping at 61? It's RANDOM for a reason.
you weigh 92 pounds? maybe i didn't read that correctly. you love working with dad? wow! yes i will agree with you that everyone is in a blogging slump. i check the blog pages atleast ten times a day, no joke, just to read about everyone and see the cool pictures of how cute everyone is. i even check your friends that i don't know just because i think the reading is awesome! keep blogging please!
My bad....192.
I'm excited for Lisa to come to Vegas as well...that means that this child has decided to get out of my belly! I think you guys should think about coming to Vegas this summer. We are moving into a nice bigger home with lots of room and there are lots of fun, cheap things to do. Think about it!
As usual I agree with evver daaggone thing you say. And yeah, there's a bloggin' dearth lately.
More people have died from swine flu than you said. It's scary to me because it has spread pretty quickly.
40 deaths, 150 deaths...the symptoms and contagious nature of this flu is NO different than the regular H1N1 version of the flu. The ONLY worrisome thing is that IF this flu mutates it COULD be more nasty.
I really like your random crap blogs. They make me laugh.
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