Mr. Maturation has been teaching children about the Birds and the Bees for a LOOOOONG time. In case you've never met him, he's near 70 years old and teaches all 5th grade boys in 4 school districts about going from boys to men and all that that implies.
I went with Bryce when he was in 5th grade and got to go with Blake tonight. It was a joyous occasion, I'm tellin' ya.
Some key phrases from the session were as follows: "Hang-Downers", "Cycles", "Circumcision", "Girls", "Hair".
Our tradition has become to attend and then get ice cream afterwards. Of course, Mr. Maturation only covers certain aspects of reproduction and puberty. Others he leaves to the parents to explain, such as the actual...uh...."mechanics" of baby-making and such. As we eat our ice cream I ask if they have any questions. Bryce understood everything Mr. Maturation said but had one obvious, glaring question that was purposefully left out. As I started to explain to Bryce his eyes got big and he started to get green, like he was going to puke, while shaking his head, plugging his ears and saying "OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK...NO MORE!" Blake, on the other hand, didn't want to know squat about squat. Didn't have questions and didn't care.
And I'm fine with that.
Our philosophy is this: Don't ever act embarrassed about sex. Answer the kids' questions right to the point that it satisfies their curiosity, no more. We are open about it and tell them they can come to us if they ever have questions or problems, and they have.
Lisa grew up in a very open relationship with her parents and felt at-ease asking her parents questions about sex.
In my family, not only did we NOT discuss sex, we never even SAID the word "s-e-x".
It's about balance.
Don't say SEX in fronta the K*I*D*S! I prefer to believe that Addie & Roscoe crocheted me. I sleep better that way...
Hang downers, huh? That's referring to the male anatomy and not what happens to women up top after a few kids, right? ;)
When we explained a little about his "hang downers" to my younger son, and how someday they'd help him have children, he said, "Oh, I get it now! I have 2 of them, so I'm gonna have 2 kids, right?" :D
oh sure sex was discussed in our home-never have it it is bad-jk. i think that is why i am also so open with my children if they ask or even if they don't i will tell them what i think.
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