4 weeks ago we noticed our kids were constantly bickering with one another. They were at each other's throats and yelling and teasing and being mean. You know, weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, backbiting, and all other forms of devilish behavior.
Lisa and I talked about what to do and I remembered a priesthood lesson we had a few months back. Each person in the room had to say something nice about everyone in the room. It turned out to be one of the most spiritual lessons we've ever had.
So we sat down for Fanny-Hone-Eening (Family Home Evening) and made the kids say one nice thing or something they liked about a sibling. It was a loooooong FHE. Took Mitchell a solid 5 minutes to say something nice about Mallory. Nonetheless, they all did it and were visibly sheepish at the end of the night. So we continued this each Monday night for the last month. Each week it became easier and easier for them to say nice things about each other. Last night's FHE was especially good. Previous weeks we had made specific assignments. That is, Bryce had to say something nice about Blake. The next week Bryce had to say something nice about Mitchell, and then Mallory the next week and so on. This time, all of them said something nice about EVERYONE. It's neat to see the change in their behavior when they are forced to think of and SAY nice things about each other.
I LOVE THIS! They might not know it now but in the future those siblings might be considered to be their most cherished friends. It happened to me.
Good Idea. I wonder if it would work with the kids I babysit. They are the two most negetive and not so nice kids sometimes. My kids are not often rude nor do they hit kick each other. Every day is a battle to get them to say kind things to each other and my kids. Some days I want to cry. I don't think they will be around after the school year is over.
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