I remember that entire week very well. I had just been called to be the elders quorum president in our newly formed ward and was asked to speak in church the Sunday following. I remember going to a priesthood training meeting and not having the stake president in attendance because he was across the country and grounded, without a way to get back to SLC.
I also saved every newspaper from that week. Still have them in a drawer in my office at work.
What were you doing on that unthinkable day?
I was hanging out at home (Jason's parents house at the time) expecting Bailey in a few months. I was really sad, and scared that something eles was coming. Jason and I just hugged eachother tight all night. Sad,Sad day.
Thank you for your comments on this sad, sad day. It brought a hush over the land, followed closely by prayers.
I will never forget it. I watched the second plane crash into the building and turned to Jane and David (who were living with us at that time) and said "Did I just see another plane?" And then my heart crashed. It still feels the same, just remembering that day.
I remember that day and it felt unreal to me. The words I was hearing, the pictures of destruction. It was shock, dismay, sadness, vulnerability, disbelief. I really felt as if more was to come throughout that day and I felt I was so unprepared for it. It was an emotional experience. I will never forget.......
I could never forget that day. I was in junior high! Tells you how young I am. :) Whenever I think of what happened on that day it makes me grateful for my family and for all the people I love in my life.
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