Oh gadfreys. This is a lengthy one, brothers and sisters, so sit tight and hold on. Or just don't read today's blog, if you don't wanna hear the ranting of a gun-loving, religious, small-town goober.
I find myself getting more and more frustrated with the media and with the Democratic party. Maybe frustration isn't the right level for what I feel. Maybe it's more like absolute, utter irritation. I realize that having the first black man in history as a nominee for the POTUS (President of the United States) is a big deal. I get that. But what I don't understand is how a man whose political life barely exceeds 2 years can get this far. He obviously has a lot of wealthy and well-known people supporting him, as well as 3 out of the 4 major news networks. That has been CLEARLY manifest over the last year. There is more mention and more coverage of Barack Obama than anything else I have ever seen in my entire life. Even, dare I say, 9/11. Had you asked me 9 months ago, I would have voted for Mitt Romney. But then he lost to McCain. If you'd asked me then, I honestly would have pulled the lever for Hillary Clinton before I would for John McCain.
That was then.
One thing has ALWAYS been clear: I would never, in a million years, pull the lever for Barack Obama, regardless of who his opponent was. The man is THE most liberal senator in the U.S. and has only been serving our country for 2 years. 2 freaking years. And in that time he has not initiated or written ANY major bills in the senate. I'm sorry, but being a "community organizer", whatever that is, prior to being elected to the senate does not qualify you to be manager of a Wendy's, let alone POTUS. This is a man who believes that partial birth abortions are OK. What does that mean? It means that he favors taking a late-term "fetus" and inducing labor to the woman, and then allowing that baby, should it live, to die from neglect in a medical closet in an abortion clinic. Think I'm kidding or being a right-winged nut job? Read here:
The times have changed and the political wheels have gotten me so seriously engaged in this debacle, that I cannot believe anyone in their right mind would even consider this guy as a candidate for POTUS.
Barack isn't just a lefty-liberal, he's so far left he's in the parking lot of the ball field......in the next state.
Now let's look at Sarah Palin. Charlie Gibson had an interview with her last week. In that interview Sarah Palin sat forward and looked Charlie straight in the face and was engaged and thinking the whole time. If you look at Charlie, he is sitting back in his chair, leaning far back, with his glasses on his nose, while looking down at Sarah Palin. He fired question, after question after difficult question, NONE of which were posed to Barack in HIS interview. His questions toward Barack were more laid back, like, "Tell me about your father." "Tell me about your childhood." Never have I seen a more lopsided tactic in 2 interviews. Shouldn't Charlie have asked Barack Obama, presumptive POTUS, the difficult questions??? Sarah Palin answered every question with aplomb, and SHE'S ONLY THE VP NOMINEE!!!
As for the question where Charlie asked Sarah about her support of the Bush Doctrine, she replied, "In what respect, Charlie." "In respect to anticipatory self-defense."
Ex-squeeze me?
The Bush Doctrine, as spelled out by the man who was the first to USE the term, Charles Krauthammer, does not have a single definition. In fact, there have been 4 distinct meanings, each one succeeding the other, over the 8 years of his administration. And the one Charlie Gibson cited is NOT the meaning in common usage today. (Deseret News, 9/16/08, pA15, "Snobbish...")
What an arrogant &#!@.
Sarah Palin served 2 terms as a mayor. That's 8 years. Then she defeated a former governor in the primaries and then the incumbent governor to win her election. She's got more experience as an executive in her left foot as nominee for VICE President than Barack Obama has in his whole being.
I'd just like to see the media start asking Obama any of the questions fired at Sarah Palin in the same condescending and aggressive manner and see him come out unscathed. He'd be obliterated. Slaughtered. Baa-aaa-aaa-aaa-aaa.
When you want to ask candidates the SAME questions, you have a debate. REPORTERS just ask the questions the public wants to know. People want to know tose things about Obama and Pallin respectfully.
Did I just type Respectfully? Talk about auto pilot typing - I meant Respectively.
I am with you on this one. I love Glenn Beck, I think more people need to listen to him. He is always right on to everything.
Vive la difference! Life would be sucha bore if we all thought alike.
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