I am a Mormon...married to Lisa. We have 5 awesome children. I am a gun rights advocate and believe the 'right to keep and bear arms' refers to an INDIVIDUAL right, as affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court. I like to hunt big game, although I have only ever killed a single buck deer. I am an actor of sorts and have been in many local plays and musicals.
Your Little Kinny-Gard'ner is a cutester. Got a good closeup shot of her at ther family gathering, and when the home computer allows me, I'll send it in an email to you. Got nuther'n of you, rather blurry, butt-choo don't look s'bad with fuzzy edges...
Your Little Kinny-Gard'ner is a cutester. Got a good closeup shot of her at ther family gathering, and when the home computer allows me, I'll send it in an email to you. Got nuther'n of you, rather blurry, butt-choo don't look s'bad with fuzzy edges...
You rock, little Mal-gal!
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