Last week my company announced that we could qualify for a $15 weekly discount ($780 each year) on our health premiums if we qualified for it. How do you qualify for such a thing? You have to be generally healthy and be a non-smoker and have good cholesterol levels.
So Nursy Nurserson shows up at work today to give everyone their screening. She takes my weight and height and then puts this swab-stick in my mouth that is supposed to test for cigarette smoke or nicotine...who knows. She also took my blood pressure, which turned out to be higher than I have ever seen it (132/83). I suspect some sort of fraud because MANY people in the office had similarly high results. But that will be another blog.
I am 6'2" and weigh 190 pounds or 1.88 meters and 86.18 kg, if you are metrically inclined. I am, by anybody's definition, a skinny dude. That said, according to the BMI index, I am on the high end of "IDEAL", and have crossed over from a healthy blood pressure to "pre-hypertensive". In fact, according to the BMI index, if I gained just 5 pounds, I would be classified as overweight.
[large pause for effect]
Are you freaking kidding me??? Have they SEEN me??? And my boss, Rick, turned out to be on the higher side of "overweight". This is the dude who did a half-triathlon last year and runs like 30 miles each week.
Give. Me. A. Break.
I would demand a re-take of the BP! I would contest the BMI indexy thingy! Sure, I know there are certain "warning" issues that exist, but I hate it when health personnel threaten certain death if you gain 5 lbs. This reminds me of when you take the kids to the dentist and they say to your kids "If you don't floss every single day, your gums are going to get gingivitis, and periodontal disease and then your teeth are going to all fall out." Give me a break, too.
Yet another cruel hoax perpetrated by AA: Anorexic America. I don't have a weight problem; I have a height problem.
So let's say someone was oh about 12 inches shorter than you and weighed only 5lbs less . . .they would probably be over weight huh? Looks like I need to take a walk or twelve a day!
Yikes! That is so wrong! I agree, demand a retake of the BP. Did they test that before and AFTER telling you how close they thought you were to being overweight?
I always hated going to the doctor when I was pregnant and having them weigh me and chew me out over gaining too much weight, then having them take my BP right afterwards and wondering why it was through the roof! Duh.
I caught up on your blog Lance. Boy scout camp is very interesting! Don't think I'll ever get that opportunity.Regardless, I was thoroughly entertained! I don't think I'll ever take any BMI test of sorts...I'd be obese if you're classified anywhere near overweight. Good thing guys don't really get bothered by such things. As they say pass me the remote and cookies please!
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