Since this is Bryce's first LONG camp out, he had to have a physical. The same rule applied to me, so I went along for the ride. If you ask your doctor to make it a Level II physical, it will last for 3 years. Of course we will always opt to do the "turn your head and cough" procedure once every 3 years vs. yearly. Duh. We also thought it would be a good idea to get Bryce's 7th grade shots that day. You know...3 birds with one stone. Bryce has never been fond of shots. His last shots were before kindergarten. In order to take his mind off the pain of 3 shots in the fatty part of his legs, I made him stare directly into my eyes and sing "The Ants Go Marching" song until the nurse was done.
Now that he's 12, we can't sing the "Ants Go Marching" song while getting shots. It's not manly. So I told Bryce to look away and breathe normally. He got the shots and all seemed well. We walked out of the exam room and as I was discussing Bryce's immunization record with the nurse, I heard a "Thud! Sliiiiiiiiiiiide...Thud!" The first thud was Bryce's head hitting the wall that was 6 inches behind him. Then he stiffened and slid down the wall in a diagonal fashion until his head met the floor ever so gracefully. He shuddered twice and his eyes sort of went weird. I quickly moved over to him and moved him to his back and was lightly tapping his face while saying, "Take a breath, buddy. Take a breath." All the while sort of giggling. I knew he was OK and had just fainted. I'd seen it before and was relatively sure he'd be OK. The nurse put a footstool under his feet and made him lay there for a minute. After 3 minutes he was fine and we were out of there. But we spent the rest of the day talking about it and telling everybody.
Tell Bryce that he needs to blog about that one for sure!
Holy cow! I would have been scared to death! I'll bet he had a killer headache after that.
LOL It wasnt a headache for me..
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