week I called in sick Thursday and Friday. And I didn't go to church on 'Sundee', cuz I didn't think I could sit for that long. My family knows this, and a few in the general public know as well, but HEY, this is a blog and what do we do in blogs? We invite the entire world to have a look-see into our private goings-on! I had a little procedure done that's see...removes the bullets from my gun?
That's right, I now shoot blanks. So there.
We have 5 kids. And we are totally happy with 5 kids. We have dang sure multiplied AND replenished the earth with 5 kids.
And oh my gosh...that doctor was rough. You would've thought he was a woman. Seriously. You would have thought he had never been bamboozled in the chotch before. He made me squirm and by the time it was done (8 minutes) I had broken a nice little sweat on the brow and my breathing was a little accelerated. And that was WITH local anesthesia...which had yet to fully work on the left side. But if there were an award for efficiency, this guy would have won it. I'll bet he could turn out about 30 of those procedures in a single day. 30! That would be something like $24,000 per day if he worked 8 hours. That's $120,000 per week and a cool $6.25 million per year. So let's see...2 million off the top for the doctor himself and the rest going to expenses and other nurses and such in the office. I think I chose the wrong field, folks. Urologists are making bank.
And by the way...frozen peas are wonderful because you can break them apart in the bag and mold them and...stuff. Sorry.
EEEK--too much information...@!!! But I admit that Jimbobster and I laughed right out loud for several minutes over this post.
I told you the peas worked better!! I would have reccomended the urologist that Lee went to, if I had known sooner.
That's just hilarious. Love your description of the procedure. My husband swore by the peas as well.
But aren't you GLAD you didn't become a urologist and spend every day handling other men''guns'?
We-hell! First I crossed m'legs n said "Ooooooh." Then I HAHAHAHAHAHA-ed ferra bit. Lucky for you the doc didn't holler, "Won't be long, now!"
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