A while back I decided to start my own biography. I just started typing a document that chronicled my birth and went through my life, thinking of major occurrances as they entered my mind. Before I knew it I had 13 pages of stuff that I plan on adding to every year and giving to my children someday. Here's a snippet or two...
"My parents lived at their home in West Jordan on about 7500 South and 2700 West when I was born. It was a new home. We lived there until I was about 5 years old. I have vague memories of that home: one being of a really large snake on our street. The other was of the old lady across the street that gave us a cookie or treat upon request once a day. I swear she had a wall of treats at the top of her stairs that looked just like those old fashioned glass jars you’d see in the Drug Store Soda Fountains. I also remember watching the Mickey Mouse Club on our really large black and white TV set in the basement. My best friend in the neighborhood was Tim Shipley."
And another snippet...
"I recall passing the summer days away [in our second home] with Todd. We’d spy on his cute neighbor girl Amy. We’d play army. We’d jump on our trampoline. We’d ride our bikes to each end of the neighborhood and back. We played on the canal road behind his house. We built a little fire one time on that canal road. Once we saw a kid fall into the canal. He was one of the Mills boys. He made it out on his own OK. We couldn’t have been much help anyway….we were only 7 years old. He was probably 6. Boy, he sure freaked out…scared me too.
Since it was a new neighborhood, we found ourselves playing often in those massive piles of dirt left by the excavators as they dug out basements for new homes. We even played in the dirt foundations themselves. What a hoot. We’d have ‘Dirt Clod Wars’ where we pulled up clumps of what looked like ‘wheat’ to us and hurl them at everyone as if they were bombs. We’d slide down those dirt hills until we either heard parents calling or it got dark. And we’d collect all the metal pieces that looked like penny or nickel slugs."
If any of the details are wrong, it is only because time makes those memories fade. If you are my mother or sibling, feel free to correct me when your memories differ. I'll continue to post bits here and there when I feel like it.
You should be sure to differentiate between the 2 stories, that one was at the West Jordan House, and the other was the Tamara Drive house. Not important, but detail enough as to not cunfuse future geneological researches!!!!!!
You know I believe that the "Cookie Grandma" lived next door to the Bensons. However I was quite young (only 2) when we moved from the West Jordan House.
I know who you're talking about. That was Heidi Wiskirchen's grandmother. She's a different lady altogether. This lady lived across the street, right next to Maurene Knapp. Nice, nice lady. Her name was Hendrika Hurst.
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