Here's what I know about hay fever.
Pollen is a normally occurring substance that people should NOT be allergic to. The allergic reaction is actually the body's IMMUNE system kicking into gear because the body THINKS that pollen is an evil invader. It releases antibodies to attack the pollen. Histamine stimulates gastric secretion and causes dilation of capillaries, constriction of bronchial smooth muscle, and decreased blood pressure.
Thus, Hay Fever is actually an auto-immune disease. It is a malfunction of your immune system.
Did you know that sugar can depress the immune system by up to 40%?
An overload of sugar may cause hay fever symptoms to be more pronounced. However, symptoms from auto-immune diseases can be suppressed or controlled with freezing cold.
So if you're a hay fever sufferer and don't have a steady supply of anti-histamines to down day after day, try a nice cold compress over your face for an hour or two. Or try breathing directly from an air conditioner or air purifier (as long as it's COLD).
Or you can just stick your head into a bucket of ice water repeatedly. Until you die. Which is a better alternative to hay fever.
Take me, sweet, sweet death.
I jest. Sort of.
You could be the "Allergy-MD" Lanceroo. Lots of good information. By the way, I am giving Jimbob " The Peacegiver" for his burpday.
A- Men! To die or have hay feaver, that is the question.
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