We purchased earthquake insurance years ago. We have since let it lapse but are going to purchase it once again. Earthquake insurance isn't that great. Most of the time, if you sustain damage to your home from a quake, the deductible is 10% of the damage. So, if the structure of your home cost $200,000 to build (not including the land), and your home is LEVELED by a quake, you are looking at a $20,000 deductible. Not great, but hey, whatchya gonna do? Getting a loan for 20 grand will be easier than one for 200 grand!
When thinking about a major quake in the Salt Lake Valley, I was slightly comforted in the knowledge that my house wouldn't just sink into the abyss and shake like a bowl o' Jell-O, like a lot of homes in the valley, as manifest by this LIQUEFACTION map:
Where's YOUR house?
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